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The Mill – Application to amend licencing conditions

The Mill at Rode has recently made an application to vary its licence. The key changes to the existing licence, which The Mill’s owners (Butcombe Brewery) are seeking to achieve, are as follows:

– To allow live and recorded music to be played, both inside and outside, until 23:00 on Sundays, Midnight on Mondays to Thursdays, and 01:00 on Friday and Saturday nights. Currently, live music can only be played inside, and only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, until 23:30, and recorded music only inside, on Fridays & Saturdays;

– To increase the number of external events that can be held at The Mill from 3 per year to 10 per year (nb: live music events would not count towards the limit of 10);

– To allow the windows which overlook the car park to be open during entertainment events (currently they need to be kept closed), and also the doors (currently they need to be kept closed, except to allow access & egress);

– To remove various restrictions on the scheduling of outdoor events (currently the licence requires two clear weekends between each outdoor event, requires that events cannot be held on consecutive days, and requires certain details of proposed music amplification to be submitted to the Council for approval in advance of the event – these restrictions are proposed to be removed);

– To extend the external area that is licenced to sell alcohol, such that it covers the majority of the grounds of The Mill (including the “island”, which is currently subject to a separate S106 Obligation, meaning that no structure can be placed on this area).

Any person (whether they live locally or not) may make representations to the Licencing Authority (Somerset Council). Any objection to the application to vary the licence must be made in relation to the following four issues:

1. The prevention of crime and disorder

2. Public safety

3. The prevention of public nuisance

4. The protection of children from harm

Rode Parish Council decided, at its meeting on Monday 10th July, to object to the application, chiefly on the grounds of public nuisance. The PC has particular concerns that The Mill, being situated in a tranquil, rural location, is not an appropriate location for live and recorded music to be played outside, until midnight and beyond, up to six days per week. The variation in licencing conditions that the owner seeks is extensive. Loud music, clearly audible in many parts of Rode and Woolverton, would be permitted late into the night, virtually every night of the week. It would potentially result in large numbers of people congregating in the vicinity of The Mill late at night and causing further disturbance to both local residents and other villagers.

2 August 2023
Last Updated
20 October 2023
Published in