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Solar Farm – Latest Update

The planning application to build a large scale Solar Farm in Rode was approved at the July meeting of the Somerset Council Planning Committee (East). Although one of the key concerns previously raised by Councillors (ie, the scale of the development) had not been addressed, the Council Officer advised that there was no further basis on which the application could be refused. In addition, the applicant was unwilling to enter into discussions regarding potential further amendments to the scheme.

Rode Parish Council had opposed the application, reflecting the vast majority of responses from local residents in relation to the proposed solar farm. However, the PC fundamentally believed that a balance could be reached, and a better scheme produced with some relatively minor amendments, reducing the impact on the historic setting of the village (amongst other issues). Unfortunately it has not been possible to achieve those amendments.

Rode PC made a detailed submission to Somerset Council in respect of the amendments to the scheme which were examined at the July Planning Committee meeting, and also submitted a statement which was delivered at the Committee meeting. Both documents are available here:

There is now a short pause while the applicant waits for the six week Judicial Review period to elapse (during this period a challenge could be made in relation to the planning process). Assuming no challenge emerges, the Parish Council will seek to engage positively with the developer (Low Carbon). We understand that the solar farm is unlikely to start operating until 2026 at the earliest, but given the scale of the development it will be important to ensure a positive relationship over the coming years, in particular during the construction phase. We will also work closely with Somerset Council to ensure that appropriate planning obligations are imposed, and that planning conditions are adhered to.

Although the scheme is larger than the Parish Council wished, and impacts more significantly on the village, it will be an important contributor to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which is so vital to address the climate emergency. 

The decision notice in relation to the application can be accessed on the Somerset Council website – click on “View and Comment on a Planning Application”, select “Mendip (East)”, and then search for the application: 2023/2183/FUL

20 July 2024
Last Updated
21 July 2024