Extensive records exist of the many names given to fields in and around Rode over the past 400 years or so.

A list of historic field names in Rode can be downloaded below – this references a number of documents, including “Mrs Mould’s maps”, above.
Lanthorn Tun – Extract from the will of William Crabb dated 1757: “I give and devise the houses and ground called the Lanthorn Tun now in possession of Thomas Whitaker Henry Ball James Gullick and Green to my son Simon Crabb and to his heirs forever.”
Extract from the will of Thomas Whitaker dated 1761: “I give and devise to my daughter Rachel wife of the said Samuel Ledyard all those my messuages lands tenements hereditaments and premises situate lying and being in the parish of North Bradley aforesaid called or known by the name of Lanthorn Tun? estate which I sometime since purchased of Simon Crabb late of Road aforesaid gentleman deceased with all and every the appurtenances to the same belonging and all those my two paddocks of pasture ground which adjoin together situate lying and being in the said parish of Road with the appurtenances to the same belonging and which said two paddocks I some time since purchased of John Walker and John Wards? to hold the said messuages lands tenements and paddocks of pasture ground and grounds last mentioned unto her my said daughter Rachel Ledyard her heirs and assigns forever.”