Smith Family
� 1872-1875 Directories list Charlotte Smith as the keeper of the George Inn
� 1871 Parish registers record that William Sidney Smith was buried at St. Lawrence, Rode in1871 aged 61. The inscription on the memorial stone (plot no. 7) reads:
� In memory (of)�
� Jane MALONE �(of)
� the county of Cla(re) � (in)
� Kingdom of Ireland
� who died June 11th 1815
� aged 66 years
� Also of William SMITH
� who died December 12th 1820, aged 50
� Also of Elizabeth Smith
� who died July 15th 1832, aged 62
� Also of
� William Sidney Smith
� son of the above named
� William &� Elizabeth Smith
� who died March 19th 1871
� aged 61
� Also of Charlotte
� wife of the above-named
� William Sidney Smith
� who died December 8th 1894
� aged 83
� 1871 Sale of the Red Lion records that W S Smith was also the owner of that inn before his death
� 1866-40 Directories list W S Smith as keeper of the George Inn
� 1855-35 Parish registers describe W S Smith�s occupation as inn-keeper or victualler.
� 1841 Census records
� Place��������� Names���������������������������� Age������� Trade������������� Born in County
� George Inn William Smith���������������� 30��������� Publican�������� Y
� Charlotte�� 30������������������������������������������������� Y
� Charles��������� 4����������������������������������� Y
� Charlotte������ 2����������������������������������� Y
� William��������� 9m�������������������������������� Y
1839 Tithe Apportionment
Landowner����������� Occupier�������������������� Plot No.����� Name/Description
Helen Noad���������� William Smith����������� 51a������������ George Inn Garden Etc.
1832 The parish registers record the burial of Elizabeth Smith aged 62 at Rode
1832 Pigot�s Directory records the keeper of the George Inn as Elizabeth Smith
1820 The parish registers record the burial of William Smith aged 50 at Rode
1809 The Will of Jonathan Noad records �all that inn or public house called the George with the Brew house, stable, garden, and all the appurtenances thereto belonging situate in the Parish of Road and in the occupation of William Smith.�
1809 The parish registers record the birth and baptism at Rode of William Sidney Smith son of William and Elizabeth SMITH
Charles SMITH
1841 Census
Place��������������������� Names��������������������������� Age������� Trade������������ Born in County
George Inn������������ William Smith��������������� 30��������� Publican�������� Y
������������������������������ Charlotte������������������������ 30��������������������������������� Y
������������������������������ Charles��������������������������� 4����������������������������������� Y
������������������������������ Charlotte������������������������ 2����������������������������������� Y
������������������������������ William������������������������� 9m�������������������������������� Y
������������������������������ Mary Andrews��������������� 20��������� F S����������������� Y
1839 Tithe Apportionment
Landowner�������������������� Occupier������������������ Plot No.���� Name/Description
Helen Noad�������������������� William Smith���������� 51a������������ George Inn Garden Etc.
Parish Registers
A Charles SMITH was baptised on 26th February 1837 at St. Lawrence, Rode by William and Charlotte SMITH.� William (Sidney) and Charlotte had 9 children the eldest being baptised on 9th August 1835.� William�s occupation from 1835 to 1842 is described as victualler, and from 1845 to 1855 as innkeeper.
A William Sidney SMITH was born on 10th June 1809 and baptised on 6th August 1809 at St. Lawrence, Rode by William and Elizabeth SMITH.� William and Elizabeth had 1 other child born on 23rd July 1807.
I have not found any record of the marriage of either set of parents.
A William SMITH was buried at St. Lawrence, Rode on 17th December 1820 aged 50
An Elizabeth SMITH was buried at St. Lawrence, Rode on 20th July 1832 aged 63
A William Sidney SMITH was buried at St. Lawrence, Rode on 24th March 1871 aged 61
A Charlotte SMITH was buried at St. Lawrence, Rode on 13th December 1894 aged 83
Extract from �History of Some Old Houses In Rode� by Dawna Pine – 2001
�15 High Street (The Old George) was formerly an inn and is now two attached houses�17th century and late 18th century.16� The inn was owned by Jonathan Noad until he died in 1814.� William Sidney Smith occupied the property from at least 1856 to 1877 when he died.� (In fact, by 1877 The Old George had been in occupation by the Smith’s family for 70 years.)� The Directory for 1861 described Smith as the maltster & dealer in hops. Mrs. Charlotte Smith was listed in the Morris’s Directory for the George Inn from 1872-1875.� When it was sold in 1877, the property included the dwelling-house, as well as the Public House, Beer and Spirit Cellars, Brewery, Malt-room, two stables, Coach house, Yard and productive walled-in garden.� By 1883, William Hood was listed for the George Inn.� From 1894 to 1931, the directory lists a Thomas Henry Jackson there.�

Joseph Smith (centre) – no proven relationship to above family