Home History of Rode Houses Nutt’s Lane

Nutt’s Lane

The following documents refer to property in Nutt’s Lane

Will of John Wheeler (snr.) dated 14th January 1815

This is the last Will and Testament of me John Wheeler the elder of Road in the County of Somerset. Millwright.

I give and bequeath unto my wife Jane Wheeler for and during her natural life the whole of my Freehold and Personal Property and Household Furniture of what nature and description soever and wheresoever situated and after her decease I give to my son John Wheeler and his Heirs Male lawfully begotten or to be begotten the House which I now live in and the House now occupied by Robert Hopkins Miller and also the House now occupied by Thomas Walker Sawyer situated at Road aforesaid together with the Garden and Appurtenances thereunto belonging but in default of his dying without Heirs or not surviving me then I give the same to my son Henry Wheeler his Heirs and Assigns – I give to my son Edward Wheeler the Front House situated in a Lane called Gunstons Lane in the Parish of Road aforesaid now in the occupation Charles Taverner Spinner also the Ground and Premises thereunto adjoining on which a House was lately burnt down but which is to be rebuilt by money arising from my Estates if I should not survive to do it myself together with one half of the Garden belonging to the said Premises which I lately bought of one Farmer Robins but on this Condition only that he shall not sell or mortgage the same and after his decease if she should survive him then to his Daughter Elizabeth Wheeler and her Heirs but if she should die without Issue lawfully begotten then I give the same to my son Henry Wheeler and his Heirs.

I give to my son Henry Wheeler the house formerly called or known by the sign of the White Hart situate in Road aforesaid with the whole of the Yard so far as the Wall that divides the Premises now occupied by William Davis Mason and likewise the whole of the Garden in possession of said son John Wheeler and William Davis and likewise a small Workshop now in the occupation of my son John Wheeler together with the piece of land situated opposite the said House which I bought of Mr Broderip of Wells as Steward to Andrews Esquire.

The X Mark of John Wheeler Senr – Witnesses – James Jones – Robt Mawen -.Robert Hopkins

I give to my Daughter Ann Dickinson the sum of Five pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Lawson the Dwelling Houses and Pemises now in the several occupations of Betty Woolley Ann Silcox William Davis James Norris and William Trollop with the remaining part of the Garden adjoining the Premises before bequeathed to my son Edward Wheeler all which are situated in the Parish of Road aforesaid.

I appoint my said sons John Wheeler and Henry Wheeler to be Executors of this my Will- I request that all my just debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid as soon as can be Revoking all Wills by me heretofore made I declare this to be my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of paper to which I have hereunto set my hand and seal namely my hand to the first and my hand and seal to the second and last sheet this fourteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.

The X Mark of John Wheeler Senr. Signed sealed published and declared by the within named John Wheeler the elder as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses. James Jones. Robt Mawen Robert Hopkins

Letter dated 3rd May 1876

from A Williams to Mr Pike, 54 Winchester Street, South Belgravia, 3 May 1876

Dear Sir

In answer to your letter received this morning I beg to say I gave my Cousin Mr Henry J Wheeler possession of the Way up to the Wall, also the Privy and the Water, I cannot understand what you mean by the whole Building unless it is the place called the Stables, no other belongs to him. Mr Wheeler promised me he would allow things to go on as usual as long as he and I lived I trust he will keep his word to me or my sisters cottages will become worthless I hope he will allow me to rent as before that is the water and the W. C. I would come to Road but at present am too much out of health to take so long a journey

Yours Respectfully, A Williams

To Mr Pike.

Letter dated 28th September 1878, from Mead & Sons (for Owen Williams) to Cruttwell Daniel & Cruttwell (for H Wheeler)

London, 5 Jermyn St. St. James SW, 28 September 1878

Dear Sirs

We understand from the tenants of 2 cottages at Road belonging to our Client Mr Owen Williams that your Client Mr H Wheeler threatens not to allow them the use of a which supplies the water to those cottages and 2 others belonging to Mr Wheeler.

We are acquainted with the title of the 4 cottages and are quite satisfied that the use of the pump appertains to them all, Mr Wheeler however claims to charge our client’s tenants for the use of it &, on their refusal under our advice to pay threatens to prevent their getting water. In case he carries out his threat we shall have to take proceedings against him but we trust he will not force us to do so for what to him would be a trivial cause of litigation but, as involving a deprivation of water to our client’s tenants, is to the latter a matter of much more consequence.

Yours truly, Mead & Son. Messrs Cruttwell Daniel & Cruttwell. Solrs. Frome Somerset

Letter dated 17th December 1878 from Mead & Sons (for Owen Williams) to H J Wheeler 5 Jermyn St. St. James SW 17th Dec 1878


We have submitted to our Client your letter of 12th instant & advised him to sell to your daughter for £40 & adduce his title in the usual way. We will prepare & send to Messrs Cruttwell Daniel & Cruttwell draft Agreement for sale but before doing so we are anxious to ascertain the place & date of the marriage of Mrs Ann Williams the Grandmother of our Client that we may obtain a Certificate of same & shall feel obliged if you can give us such information or refer us to some person who can.

re Lawson deceased

We have obtained a return of part of the Probate duty & the share of yourself & Mrs Bedele of the amount after deducting the duty and our charges for obtaining such return are 14/- each for which we inclose our cheque which will have to be indorsed by you & Mrs Bedele.

As we had to write to you for the above named information as to the marriage of Mrs Williams we have sent the cheque to you direct as we have thought that your Solrs. would not object to our doing so with so small an amount.

Yours truly Mead & Son

Mr H J Wheeler Box Cottage Road Near Bath

Agreement dated 16th January 1879 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property)

Owen Evan Williams and Susanna Wheeler


Owen Evan Williams of the Royal Hospital Chelsea gentleman agreed to sell the following property to Susanna Wheeler of Road spinster for £40 on 27th January 1879

1) a piece of land in Road Somerset on which 5 cottages formerly stood together with 2 cottages now standing occupied by William Davis and James Broadway (described in the will of John Wheeler the elder of Road millwright as the dwellinghouses and premises occupied by Betty Woolley, Ann Silcox, William Davis, James Norris and William Trollop and devised to his daughter Elizabeth Lawson (with the remaining part of the garden bequeathed to his son Edward Wheeler). They were described in the will of Elizabeth Lawson the mother dated 7th February 1849 as all my freehold property in Nutts Lane, Road devised to me by my father.

Agreement made the sixteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine Between Owen Evan Williams of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in the County of Middlesex Gentleman hereinafter called the Vendor of the one part and Susanna Wheeler of Road in the County of Somerset Spinster hereinafter called the Purchaser of the other part The Vendor and Purchaser do hereby respectively for themselves their respective heirs executors and administrators agree with each other that the Vendor shall sell to the Purchaser free from all incumbrances and the Purchaser shall purchase All that piece or parcel of freehold land situate in the parish of Road in the County of Somerset upon which five cottages or dwellinghouses formerly stood Together with the two cottages or dwellinghouses now standing and being thereon in the occupation of William Davis and James Broadway as tenants and which said hereditaments and premises were described in the Will of John Wheeler the elder formerly of Road aforesaid Millwright as the dwellinghouses and premises then in the several occupations of Betty Woolley Ann Silcox William Davis James Norris and William Trollop with the remaining part of the garden adjoining the premises before bequeathed by the said Will to the Testator’s son Edward Wheeler and which said hereditaments hereinbefore described and hereby agreed to be sold were devised by the said Testator John Wheeler the elder to his daughter Elizabeth Lawson and were devised by her to her daughter Elizabeth Lawson since deceased and were described in the Will of the said Elizabeth Lawson the Mother bearing date the seventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty nine as All my freehold property situate in Nuts Lane in the parish of Road in the County of Somerset which was devised to me by my Father John Wheeler with the appurtenances and also all fixtures in and about the said hereditaments and premises belonging to the Vendor at the price and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned

1 The sum of Forty pounds the purchase money to be paid by the Purchaser on the twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine at the Office of the Vendor’s solicitors Messieurs Mead and Son 5 Jermyn Street Saint James’s London at which time and place the purchase is to be completed and the Purchaser shall on and from that day be entitled to the rents or have actual possession of the said premises all outgoings up to that time being discharged by the Vendor to be apportioned as necessary

2 The Vendor shall within five days from the date hereof deliver or send by post to the Purchaser or her solicitors an Abstract of his Title comprising the respective Wills hereinbefore mentioned of John Wheeler and Elizabeth Lawson and the Vendor shall not be called upon to adduce any title to the said premises other than an office copy or Probate of each of the said Wills hereinbefore mentioned and the Statutory Declaration of Henry James Wheeler and Julia Frances Revells the draft of which has been already approved by Messieurs Cruttwell Daniel and Cruttwell the solicitors of the Purchaser such Declaration and Exhibits to be made and furnished at the expense of the Vendor and all objections and requisitions in respect of such like shall be made and sent by the Purchaser to the said office of the said Messieurs Mead and Son within eight days from the delivery of the Abstract and all objections and requisitions which shall not be made within such time as aforesaid shall be considered to be waived

3 No evidence of identity of the premises shall be required than that shewn by the said Wills hereinbefore mentioned

4 On payment of the said sum of Forty pounds at the time hereinbefore specified for the payment thereof the Vendor shall execute a proper Conveyance of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore agreed to be sold with their appurtenances and the freehold and inheritance thereof in fee simple in possession free from incumbrances unto the Purchaser her heirs and assigns or as she or they shall direct and shall hand over the Official Receipt for the Succession Duty payable by the Vendor in respect of his succession to the said Elizabeth Lawson and deliver over unto the Purchaser the fixtures hereinbefore mentioned such Conveyance shall be prepared by and at the expense of the Purchaser and shall be left by her three days before the said twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine at the said Office of the said Messieurs Mead and Son for execution by the Vendor

5 If from any cause whatever the said purchase shall not be completed on the said twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine the Purchaser shall pay interest at the rate of Five pounds per centum per annum on the said purchase money from that day until the completion of the purchase As witness the hands of the said parties

Abstract of Title dated 1879

Abstract of Title of Mr Owen Evan Williams of freehold heredits at Road in the County of Somerset

14th January 1815. By the will of John Wheeler the elder of Road in the Coy of Somerset Millwright after making various specific devises & a pecuniary bequest he gave to his daughter Elizth Lawson the dwelling houses & premises then in the several occupations of Betty Woolley Ann Silcox Wm Davis Jas Norris & Wm Trollop with the remaining part of the garden adjoining the premes before bequeathed to his son Edwd Wheeler all wch were situated in the parish of Road afsd

And the sd Testor appointed his sd sons Jno Wheeler & Henry Wheeler Executors of that the now abstracting Will.

Signed by sd Testor with his mark & attested by 3 witnesses

18?? The sd Testator died

5th March 1817 The sd will was proved by the sd J Wheeler one of the Exors a power being reserved for the sd Henry Wheeler the other Exor to prove

7th February 1849 By the will of sd Elizth Lawson of Lower Belgrave Place Pimlico in the Coy of Middx Widow she gave and devised unto her daughter Elizth Lawson

All her freehold property situate in Nuts Lane in the parish of Road in the Coy of Somerset which was devised to the sd Testrix by her father John Wheeler To hold to her the sd Elizth Lawson her hrs & assns for ever

And she the sd Testatrix after making other devises & bequests appointed her 2 daughters the sd Elizth Lawson & Ann Williams joint Executrixes of that the now abstracting Will

Signed by sd Testatrix & attested by 2 witnesses

16th August 1854 The sd Testatrix died

13th November 1854The sd will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by the sd Executrixes the sd E Lawson & A Williams

1st March 1878 The said Elizabeth Lawson the daughter died intestate leaving Owen Evan Williams of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in the Coy of Middlesex Gentleman her heir at law.

Conveyance dated 25th January 1879 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property)

Owen Evan Williams to Suzanna Wheeler


Owen Evan Williams of the Royal Hospital Chelsea gentleman sold the following property to Suzanna Wheeler of Road spinster for £40

1) a piece of land in Road Somerset on which 5 cottages formerly stood together with 2 cottages now standing occupied by William Davis and James Broadway (described in the will of John Wheeler the elder of Road millwright as the dwellinghouses and premises occupied by Betty Woolley, Ann Silcox, William Davis, James Norris and William Trollop and devised to his daughter Elizabeth Lawson (with the remaining part of the garden bequeathed to his son Edward Wheeler). She devised them to her daughter Elizabeth Lawson and on her death about 1st March 1878 they passed to Owen Evan Williams.

They were described in the will of Elizabeth Lawson the mother dated 7th February 1849 as “all my freehold property in Nutts Lane, Road devised to me by my father”

Letter dated 30th January 1879 from Cruttwell Daniel & Cruttwell to Mr H J Wheeler Frome Somerset


Dear Sir

We have settled the purchase of the cottages & hold the deed to title. We have the pleasure of seeing you here as it will be necessary that you should call when you can make it convenient so to do as you have to make the Declaration as to the title.

Miss Wheeler is to take the **** from the 27 Jany. We send you the vendor’s authority to the tenants to pay same accordingly.

If Mr Langley has taken the rents since 27 Jany or paid rates & ****which cover a period beyond 27 January you will have to adjust the account with him & pay or receive as the case may be. There can scarcely however be any rent since Tuesday received by Mr Langley and perhaps the current rate is not paid. If so it may be apportioned

Yours very truly, Cruttwell Daniel & Cruttwell

H. J. Wheeler, Box Cottage, Road

Will of Henry James Wheeler dated 20th April 1887

This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry James Wheeler of Box Cottage Road in the County of Somerset made this twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven I hereby revoke all wills by me at any time heretofore made I appoint my daughter Susanna Wheeler sole Executrix of this will and direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Wheeler her heirs administrators and assigns for her and their own absolute use and benefit all my real and personal estate of whatsoever nature or kind and wheresoever

In witness whereof I the said Henry James Wheeler have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. Henry James Wheeler

Signed by the said Henry James Wheeler the testator in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses Thomas Morris, Road, Sarah Ann Morris, Road

Declaration dated 18th January 1897 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property) showing heirship of Mr. O.E. Williams to Miss E. Lawson

Valuation of Land dated 9th March 1915

District Valuer for Miss S Wheeler


Letter and 9 valuation forms for:

cottage and garden in Nutts Lane occ. by Mr Rose gross value £60

cottage and garden in Nutts Lane occ. by Mrs Broadway gross value £55

cottage and garden in Nutts Lane occ. by F Moore gross value £66

Arnold John Noad Assent of Property from Susanna Wheeler 1930

I ARNOLD JOHN NOAD of Rode in the County of Somerset Gentleman as the Personal Representative of Susanna Wheeler late of 2 Box Cottage Rode aforesaid Spinster deceased DO THIS Twenty ninth day of July ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY hereby as PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ASSENT to the vesting in myself of ALL the properties described in the Schedule hereto for an estate in fee simple AS WITNESS my hand the day and year first before written.

THE SCHEDULE above referred to.

Two freehold cottages and premises in Nuts Lane Rode aforesaid occupied by F. Moore and H. Bull.

Will of Susanna Wheeler dated 12th June 1930 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property) – will and probate

Assent dated 16th August 1948 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property) – in favour of A. J. Noad

Will of A J Noad dated 20th October 1950 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property) will and probate

From an Assent of the property of the late Arnold John NOAD dated 25 May 1951


Sixthly All those two freehold cottages and premises situate in Nutts Lane Rode aforesaid formerly in the occupation of Frank Moore and H. Bull but now in the occupation of Agnes Moore and George Laurence comprised in an Assent dated the Twenty ninth day of July One thousand nine hundred and thirty

Conveyance dated 1st June 1963 (in 1968 list of deeds for unnamed property)

Mrs E L Noad to Mr M G Noad possibly Nutts Lane Cottages

List of Deeds for Unnamed Property (1968?)

Property at Rode (Packet Number 4) – Messrs. Pinniger Finch & Co., Solicitors, Westbury – Mr. E. J. Noad, Wayside Rode, Somerset

16th January 1879 AGREEMENT – Mr. O.E. Williams to Miss S. Wheeler

25th January 1879 GRANT and CONVEYANCE – Mr. O.E. Williams to Miss S. Wheeler


18th January 1897 DECLARATION showing heirship of Mr. O. E. Williams to Miss E. Lawson and various Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates

12th June 1930 PROBATE of the WILL – of Susanna Wheeler decd

25th July 1930 ASSENT

16th August 1948 ASSENT – in favour of A. J. Noad

20th October 1950 SEALED copy of the Probate of the Will of Arnold John Noad deceased

25th May 1951 ASSENT in favour of Mrs E. L. Noad

1st June 1963 COPY CONVEYANCE Mrs. E. L. Noad to Mr. M. G. Noad


28 July 2023
Last Updated
16 January 2024