2 Frome Road (Church Row Farm). Built in the 17th century, it was probably originally the Rectory for St. Lawrence Church. Major land and property owner, Henry B. Pooll owned the farm in 1839 and Samuel Hiscocks, a farmer, was living here in 1841. By 1853 Joseph Job Carter and his wife, Jane nee Pickard, were occupying the farm. Jane was only 28 when she died in 1858. Joseph remarried and continued at the farm until 1903. He was a member and Deacon of Rode Baptist Chapel and is buried there. George Kirwan Joyce came to Rode in 1908 and rented Church Row Farm from the Batten-Poolls. He had 11 children and his son bought the farm from Capt. Walter Stewart Batten-Pooll in 1934. Indeed, the panelling now in the drawing room at the farm was originally from Rode Manor. The residents told me that during WWII, the family had German Prisoners of War to help them put in a path in the back garden. While doing so, they discovered an underground tunnel leading from their garden to the church.
3 Frome Road, originally three separate cottages, built before 1650. This area near the church was known as Church Row. The owners were contacted some years ago by an archaeologist who told them that a series of pipe-makers had lived in Church Row. When they started to dig in the back garden, many pieces of old clay pipes were discovered (marked IH, the mark of pipe maker, John Howell), as well as the kiln where the pipes were made. Also found were lots of bits of pottery, some of which were Roman. John Hoell (Howell) was a tobacco clay pipe maker and yeoman whose family had been making clay pipes in Rode since the mid 1640s. The constable of Rode at the time accused John Howell of being in the 1685 Uprising. It appears as if he had been considered an influential supporter of the rebel cause. He was tried at Wells and hanged at Wincanton, where his head was severed and stuck on a spike as a lesson to others. His lands were forfeited and sold.
8 Frome Road is listed as an early 19th century brick built house. This is an unusual choice of material in this area at that time, which may have been due to a connection with Rode Common Brick Works.
9 Frome Road (Cobble Cottage ) and 11 Frome Road were originally three cottages. What was then the middle cottage was built first; then the one on the left, and finally the right-hand cottage, which has a stone over the window inscribed “WT 1805”. Job Tucker, the recently deceased owner and occupier in 1839, had two brothers with these initials, William and Walter. At that time the property was described as a house, garden and shop. The owners believe that the cottages used to be thatched. In 1919, 11 Frome Road was lived in by Tom Goulter, builder. Recently the owner of no. 9 found a stone axe head in her garden which suggests that there was human activity in this area in Neolithic times.
15 Frome Road (Westlands) across Church Lane from the Bell Inn was built in the 1860s by a Rode builder by the name of Edward Silcocks (Silcox). There have only been two owners since it was built. The two cottages next door, 17 Frome Road and 19 Frome Road, were built ninety years earlier, as indicated by the stone plaque on no. 17, inscribed “CWR 1777”. In 1839 the property was owned by Jonathan Noad and occupied by William Matthews.

Unidentified House at Church Row
Indenture dated 1736 between James Gerrish of Road drugget maker and Susanna Cole of Devizes widow of conveyance of a cottage and orchard and garden thereunto belonging in at Church Rowe and late in the possession of Richard Baily pipemaker
This Indenture made the twelfth day of November in the year of our Lord 1736? and in the tenth year of the reign of our Sovereign King George II …Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith etc Between James Gerrish of Road in the County of Somerset druggetmaker legatee ………..aforesaid his late brother dec~ed of the one part and Susanna Cole of the Borough of Devizes in the County of Wilts widow of the other part …Sixty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to the said James Gerrish in hand at or before the ensealing and delivery ………and payment whereof the said James Gerrish does hereby confess and acknowledge and thereof and therefrom release acquit and discharge the said …….every of them forever by these presents and for other good considerations he the said James Gerrish Hath demised granted bargained and sold and ………the said Susanna Cole her exec~ors adm~ors and assigns All that messuage tenement or cottage and the orchard and garden thereunto belonging …….and being in Road aforesaid at a place there called Church Rowe and late in the possession of Richard Baily pipemaker and all houses outhouses ………….ways waters watercourses paths passages commons common of pasture feedings rights and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any ………part parts or member thereof and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues profits and services thereof and of every part and parts thereof …of and concerning the same premises or any part or parts thereof now in the custody or power of the said James Gerrish To have and to hold the said….all and singular other the premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby demised and granted with the appurtenances and every part and parts …..and assigns for and during and unto the full end and term of five hundred years from hence next ensuing fully to be complete and ended without impeachment ….paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term unto the said James Gerrish his heirs and assigns the yearly rent of one barley corn on the Feast day …lawfully demanded Provided always nevertheless and it is hereby covenanted concluded and agreed upon by and between the said parties to these present …administrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Susanna Cole her executors administrators or assigns the full sum of ……..………………..good lawful money of Great Britain at or upon the thirteenth day of May next ensuing the date hereof without any deductions or abatement for ….impositions whatsoever either ordinary or extraordinary charged or assessed or to be charged or assessed on the said premises or any part thereof or on the said ….the said Susanna Cole her exc~ors adm~ors or assigns for or in respect thereof that then and from thenceforth these presents and every article covenant clause and …utterly void and of no effect any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding and the said James Gerrish for himself his h….agrees to and with the said Susanna Cole her exc~ors adm~ors and assigns by these presents in manner and form following (that is to say) that he the said J…well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Susanna Cole her executors administrators or assigns the said sum of sixty pounds with lawful …Britain at or upon the said thirteenth day of May next ensuing the date hereof without any deduction as aforesaid and according to the true intent and ….at the time of the ensealing and delivery hereof is and standeth seized in his own proper right of and in all and singular the premises hereby demised and granted or so inten…absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition trust power of revocation or limitation of use or uses or any oth…to alter change charge determine incumber or make void or voidable the same estate And that at like time of the ensealing and delivery hereof he the said ….