Above: Rode FC, 1912/13 season

Above: Rode FC, 1924/25 season
Front row (left to right)
1 Lambert Beaven, 2 NK, 3 Jack Moore, 4 NK, 5 NK
Back row
1 Bill Baber, 2 NK, 3 NK, 4 NK, 5 NK, 6 NK, 7 NK, 8 T Biggs
Other names
Ed Woolley, Bill Newman, Wyn Lane, Harry Joyce

Above: Rode FC, 1929/30 season
Back row standing (left to right)
1 Mr R. G. Fussell, 2 J. Smith, 3 G. Pike, 4 J. Moore, 5 H. Dray, 6 W. Marshall, 7 H. Moore, 8 C. Pike, 9 H. Moore Snr., 10 Mr. Henry Fussell
Centre (sitting)
1 W. Goulter, 2 H. Joyce, 3 R. Cook, 4 H. Preator, 5 W. Holley
Front (on the ground)
1 E. Harrison, 2 G. Godfrey