Home Community Event Rode Roxy

Rode Roxy

19:00 15 March 2024
22:00 15 March 2024

Rode Memorial Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm. Licenced bar.

March’s film is “A Haunting in Venice“, starring Kenneth Branagh and Tina Fey. Not sure if the regular Rode Roxy audience fits the Guardian’s categorisation….

“Screenwriter Michael Green and director-star Kenneth Branagh have coaxed another gold-effect egg from that plump goose which is the Agatha Christie estate. Legendary moustachioed Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot, played by Branagh, is back for another ensemble outing with many biggish-to-big names phoning it in for the paycheck. This movie appears to be trying for a tougher, nastier, horror-ish feel, perhaps to scoop up some of the younger scary-movie fanbase alongside the Werther’s Original demographic that normally turns out for this kind of thing.”

Read the full Guardian review here: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/10/a-haunting-in-venice-review-branaghs-agatha-christie-whodunnit-given-horror-makeover

28 February 2024
Last Updated
28 February 2024
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