Community Speed Watch

Unfortunately the CSW team has decided (Jan 2024) to stop activities to assist in the management of speeding vehicles through the village.

After 15 years of operating regularly round our roads the group has diminished and, as Malcolm Wood retires from leading the group and liaising with the police, it has been decided the the group is no longer viable.

However, the Parish Council agreed to purchase an AutoSpeedWatch (ASW) device, which has been installed on Bradford Road. John Flindall will continue to set this up each month and collate the data recorded (vehicle registration plate and speed). The PC will pay the annual fee each year to ensure data is recorded. A summary of the data recorded can be downloaded via the links below.

Repeat offenders are contacted by the police. The level of speeding identified by the ASW device is a significant concern, and Rode Parish Council is seeking to raise these concerns with the police and the Avon & Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner.

The CSW team would be very supportive of anyone who wishes to continue the community activity in the future.

8 August 2023
Last Updated
4 July 2024