Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are an energy efficient, low carbon way to heat your home. They’re suitable for almost all types of home and, depending on what heating system you’re replacing, could save you money on your energy bills.

For more information, check out the detailed guidance on the Energy Saving Trust website: https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/energy-at-home/heating-your-home/heat-pumps/

Transition Bath runs an excellent, independent, advisory and consulting service. More details here: https://transitionbath.org/project/heat-pump-advisory-service/

A representative of the Transition Bath Heat Pump Advisory Service recently provided an excellent webinar for the Rode, Beckington & Norton St Philip Climate Emergency Group. A copy of the presentation is available to download below….and we will run another webinar in the Autumn (details to be confirmed).

3 August 2023
Last Updated
10 May 2024