Tovey Edward. Will made 15 June 1747. Proved 26 November 1747.
In the Name of God Amen I Edward Tovey the Elder of Road within the parish of North Bradley in the County of Wilts yeoman being of sound and perfect mind memory and Praised be Almighty God therefore do make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary and my daughter Mary the lands and tenements to me be-longing and lying and being in Road in the parish of North Bradley to profits of them and each of them that is to say to my wife Mary the one half of the issues rents and profits during the term of her natural life if she continues unmarried but the other part of the tenements I give unto my daughter Mary and her heirs for ever but if my said daughter Mary shall die without issue then I give and bequeath her part of the tenements beforementioned to Ann and Jane the daughters of my son Edward Tovey to be equally divided between them and after the decease of my beloved wife Mary or the day of her marriage to Martha the wife of Gideon Fricker during the term of her natural life and after her decease unto Charity Fricker and Edward Fricker (children of the said Gideon and Martha Fricker) to be equally divided between them and my will is that my daughter Mary take one part and my daughter Martha the other and both to have the joint use of the well and the garden ground as it now lyeth.
Further I give unto my daughter Mary for taking care of my wife the sum of twenty pounds which said sum of twenty pounds is now in the hands of the two persons who have now in their hands the sum and sums of money given to my beloved wife to maintain her as is over and above the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds.
And I further give and bequeath unto my loving wife and my daughter Mary the interest of the above mentioned two hundred and fifty pounds during the term of my wife’s natural life.
I further give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the privilege to take one cow if any shall be left at my decease.
I further give unto my daughter Mary all the sheep I shall have at my decease she giving to each grandchild that shall be living at my decease one ewe to each grandchild if any.
I further give to my beloved wife and my daughter Mary the privilege to take what part of the household furniture and goods she shall think proper and the same to be for the use of my beloved wife and if my beloved wife shall think convenient to give any part of the said goods to any of the family to me belonging. It shall be in her power to do it.
All the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattels personal estate money and securities for money debts dues and demands I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved son Edward Tovey of Road in the County of Somerset horse driver whom I nominate constitute and appoint full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 15th day of June 1747.
Edward Tovey.
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Edward Tovey to be his last Will and Testament who in presence of the Testator and each other have set our names as witnesses to the same.
Robt Everett Henery Barnard John Lockwood.
Tovey Edward. Will made 2 February 1785. Proved 6 March 1793.
In the Name of God Amen I Edward Tovey victualler of the parish of Road in the County of Somerset being at present in sound mind and memory and understanding blessed be Almighty God for the same do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say)
First I give to my daughter Ann Tucker wife of Job Tucker twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain.
Item. I give to my daughter Jane Mortimer wife of John Mortimer one shilling.
Item. I give to my daughter Mary Tovey the house and garden where Richard Whaddon now lives.
Item. I give to my daughter Sarah Dyer wife of William Dyer the house she now lives in with the house adjoining and all the garden and the ground adjoining.
Item. I give to my daughter Rachel Holick wife of William Holick one shilling and the clock that was bought of John Hill.
All which said last mentioned legacies or sums of money so given by and to the several legacies I do hereby order and direct shall be delivered and paid to them by my said executors hereinafter named at the expiration of one whole year after my decease.
And lastly as to all the rest residue and remainder of my lands and estate real and personal with all goods and chattels of what kind or nature whatsoever (not before given by me) I give and bequeath the same to my two sons Edward and Henry Tovey whom I hereby appoint joint executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will or Wills by me made.
In witness whereof I the said Edward Tovey and hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of June in the twenty fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third over Great Britain and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five.
Signed Edward Tovey.
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Edward Tovey to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses and in the presence of the Testator.
Witness Jeremiah Cruse Ed Tiley John Cruse