Merfield Lodge now is a separate house but it was originally the gatehouse lodge for Merfield House. It was designed by a notable architect named Beckworth and built by Goodrich. In 1861, James Millett, gardener was living here with Charlotte, his wife. (Henry Batten Pooll in his will left Millett nineteen guineas). In 1881, James Marshman, a coachman, lived in the lodge with his wife and two sons. The private road to Merfield House from the Lodge used to run alongside Straight Lane. According to the Parish Council minutes for the meeting of 28th March 1895:
“about 1700 William Yerbury left money in his will for the Poor of Road. In 1702 the Churchwardens and Overseers of the parish, having in their hands Yerbury’s bequest, and other parish moneys amounting to £55, with this sum of £105, purchased the piece of land called the Poor Ground…These trusts were, it is presumed, acted upon until the year 1838, at which time the parish had become much impoverished, probably owing to the decay of the cloth trade, and amongst other things money was required to assist some of the inhabitants to emigrate.”
In 1839, Mr. Thomas Pooll agreed to buy the Poor Ground for £349. According to Peter Harris, this Poor Ground was located behind Merfield Lodge.