Bluebell Wood Solar Farm

Early in 2023 a company called Low Carbon announced their intention to construct a large-scale Solar Farm on land adjacent to the village. Outline information was delivered to local residents, and two virtual meetings held with parish councillors. A drop-in consultation event was held in May, with representatives from Low Carbon available to answer residents’ questions.

Low Carbon also set up a website containing information about the proposal:

A formal planning application was submitted to Somerset Council in November 2023. Full details of the application can be found on the Somerset Council website: (select Mendip, then “Find an application”, and enter the reference for the application: 2023/2183/FUL)

At its meeting on 11th December, Rode Parish Council voted unanimously to oppose the application, for various reasons. The PC’s submission to Somerset Council can be accessed below.

At the end of February, Somerset Council confirmed that there would be a re-consultation, as a result of additional information which had been required, and the changes made to the application. Rode Parish Council’s submission to Somerset Council is below (click the first link to download).

At the Somerset Council Planning Committee meeting on 7th May, the committee members deferred any decision, as a result of a number of concerns (around scale, the impact on heritage assets, and access). As a result there was a further re-consultation, and Rode Parish Council’s response to this further re-consultation is also below (click the second link to download):

26 July 2023
Last Updated
17 June 2024